The DimmWitted high-speed sampler
This document briefly presents DimmWitted, a high-speed Gibbs sampler for DeepDive.
In deepdive.conf
, you can swap the default sampler executable with something else follows:
deepdive.sampler.sampler_cmd: "/path/to/your/sampler gibbs"
Sampler arguments
The sampler executable can be invoked independently of DeepDive. The following arguments to the sampler executable can be used:
-q, --quiet
Quiet output
-c <int>, --n_datacopy <int> (Linux only)
Number of data copies. One or more NUMA nodes can hold a copy of the
factor graph and their CPU cores run the threads. This argument
specifies how many partitions the NUMA nodes should be grouped into.
Default is to keep a copy of the factor graph in every NUMA node.
-t <int>, --n_threads <int>
Number of threads to use. Defaults to zero (0) which uses all
available threads. The number of threads are equally divided and
assigned to each data copy when --n_datacopy is greater than 1.
-w <weightsFile> | --weights <weightsFile>
Weights file (required)
It is a binary format file output by DeepDive.
-v <variablesFile> | --variables <variablesFile>
Variables file (required)
It is a binary format file output by DeepDive.
--domains <domainsFile>
Categorical variable domains file (optional)
It is a binary format file output by DeepDive.
-f <factorsFile> | --factors <factorsFile>
Factors file (required)
It is a binary format file output by DeepDive.
-m <metaFile> | --fg_meta <metaFile>
Factor graph meta data file file (required)
It is a text file containing factor graph meta information
as well as paths to weight/variable/factor/edge files.
-o <outputFile> | --outputFile <outputFile>
Output file path (required)
-i <numSamplesInference> | --n_inference_epoch <numSamplesInference>
Number of iterations (epochs) during inference (required)
-l <learningNumIterations> | --n_learning_epoch <learningNumIterations>
Number of iterations (epochs) during weight learning (required)
-a <learningRate> | --alpha <learningRate> | --stepsize <learningRate>
The learning rate for gradient descent (default: 0.1)
-d <diminishRate> | --diminish <diminishRate>
The diminish rate for learning (default: 0.95).
Learning rate will shrink by this parameter after each iteration.
-b <regularizationParameter> | --reg_param <regularizationParameter>
The l2 regularization parameter for learning (default: 0.01).
Output probablities for evidence variables. Default is off, i.e., output
only contains probabilities for non-evidence variables.
Sample non-evidence variables during learning. Default if off. This option
should be turned on if there exists a factor connecting evidence and non-evidence
You can see a detailed list by running deepdive env sampler-dw gibbs --help